Process for re-allocation of a completed edit
In the process of monitoring/pre-screening, should the reviewer find grave issues with the edited file that necessitate a re-edit, first determine if the original editor should do the rework based on feedback we provide.
The rework email can be sent by the CoE to the editor, but WFM will need to be kept in CC if the editor is expected to acknowledge receipt of the email after working hours of the CoE members.
WFM should be advised to reallocate the job if we don’t hear from the editor in time or if the editor says that they cannot complete the rework.
Add a job instruction for the reviewer to check for the reworked files if the review has not been accepted yet.
If, however, we are not confident of the editor’s ability/availability to complete the rework by the time required, email WFM Allocation about re-allocating the job to other editors.
Re-allocation to other editors may be requested if there is sufficient time for another editor to accept and complete the edit.
The decision to reallocate must be vetted by the A/ME (the reviewer should share their assessment of the job with the A/ME for this).
This email should contain a note for the original editor (available in template below).
Only email requests for reallocation will be considered. The reviewer can send the email to WFM with the A/ME on CC.
A to-do will need to be added to cancel the fee for the original editor.
After the email to WFM, the reviewer must prepare an email with details on the issues to be sent to the original editor. This email can be sent out by whoever is responsible for such communication in the CoE.
WFM Comm will send a mail to the editor using the ticket template [WFM] Job Deallocated - Quality Issues (ensure to update the yellow-highlighted parts of the body with info provided by the COE) and inform Allocation by transferring the ticket to their respective interface after writing to the editor.