Scenario 1: Editor does not ask for an extension + uploads at any point past their internal + does not ask for the deadline to be changed
- Do not change the deadline (We can write to these editors once a month to set expectation about deadlines and what they can do to avoid delays)
We hope you are doing well.
You have received this email because you breached the deadline of one or more of your jobs this month.
As you already know, we take our client deadlines very seriously. If there is a delay in delivering a job to a client even by a few seconds, we offer them a full refund. Accordingly, our editors are expected to submit client-ready files by the deadline given to them.
When you don’t upload the job files on time without informing us, we are left with very little time for the subsequent processes on the job, which can lead to a delay.
Going forward, please review all the details of the assignments before accepting them and only accept jobs which you are sure you will be deliver within the given deadline.
Here are some quick tips which will help ensure that your submissions are not delayed:
☐ Screen the assignment for language quality, familiarity, deadline, service and word count before acceptance.
☐ Check that your internet download/upload speeds is >10 Mbps (use to check)
☐Determine a backup internet connection should your regular connections fail.
☐Check file sizes and plan upload times. Greater the file size, the longer it will take to upload.
☐ Flag your inability to meet the committed deadline in advance through the Contact Us tab and send the required backups.
☐ Check that your timezone settings on the dashboard are updated to match your current timezone.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Scenario 2: Editor does not ask for an extension + uploads up to 30 min past their internal + asks for the deadline to be changed
- Change the deadline + communication + checklist for delayed file uploads
We have granted you an extension as per your request.
As you already know, we take our client deadlines very seriously. When there is a delay at the editor’s end in uploading the files, our essential subsequent processes get delayed as well. This hampers our ability to deliver on our promise to our clients.
Going forward, please review all the details of the assignments before accepting them and only accept jobs which you are sure you will be able to deliver within the given deadline.
Here are some quick tips which will help ensure that your submissions are not delayed:
☐ Screen the assignment for language quality, familiarity, deadline, service and word count before acceptance.
☐ Check that your internet download/upload speeds is >10 Mbps (use to check)
☐Determine a backup internet connection should your regular connections fail.
☐Check file sizes and plan upload times. Greater the file size, the longer it will take to upload.
☐ Flag your inability to meet the committed deadline in advance through the Contact Us tab and send the required backups.
☐ Check that your timezone settings on the dashboard are updated to match your current timezone.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Scenario 3: Editor does not ask for an extension + uploads >30 min past their internal + asks for the deadline to be changed
- Change the deadline only if the delay was due to something CACTUS related (technical issues with the file, updated instructions during the job cycle, we requested a job be accepted, delayed response to queries, changes to external deadlines etc.) + communication + checklist for delayed file uploads (same as above email)
- Do not change if uploaded more than 30 mins after their internal for non-CACTUS related reasons + communication + checklist for delayed file uploads
Unfortunately, we will not be able to modify your deadline for this job. As you already know, we take our client deadlines very seriously. When there is a delay at the editor’s end in uploading the files, our essential subsequent processes get delayed as well. In this case, since you uploaded the files more than 30 minutes past the deadline, this ate into the time we budgeted for the other processes.
Going forward, please review all the details of the assignments before accepting them and only accept jobs which you are sure you will be able to deliver within the given deadline.
Here are some quick tips which will help ensure that your submissions are not delayed:
☐ Screen the assignment for language quality, familiarity, deadline, service and word count before acceptance.
☐ Check that your internet download/upload speeds is >10 Mbps (use to check)
☐Determine a backup internet connection should your regular connections fail.
☐Check file sizes and plan upload times. Greater the file size, the longer it will take to upload.
☐ Flag your inability to meet the committed deadline in advance through the Contact Us tab and send the required backups.
☐ Check that your timezone settings on the dashboard are updated to match your current timezone.
We hope you understand.
Let us know if you have any questions.