Partner code | Default FD agent |
JPN, KUP, KINO, NMO (CM mentioned is Darran F) | Sheldon S |
JPN, KUP, KINO, NMO (CM mentioned is Chie Y). If the CM is Chie Y, the status will be Waiting for TL CM and not Waiting for CS. | Chie Y |
ENG, ENGIN, IND, GER (Retail & Payments) | ROW CM |
HDW, OSA, WKH, TFG, WASG, Subpartners under END (Retail & Payments) | ASP CM |
ROW & ASP [All partner codes] (Corporate) | Corp Sales Team |
TWN (Retail, Payments & Corporate) | Yihan Hung |
BRL (Retail) | Camilla Santos |
BRL (Payments & Corporate) | Felipe Gallina |
Korea retail | Sujeong Kim |
Korea Translation | Sujeong Kim |
Korea Corp | Jihyeon Kim |
China Corp | Grace Cao |
China retail | China CS Default |
Wiley China | Wileychinacm |
TNF China | TNF China |
Sage China | Sage China CM |