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Free Trial
How does free trial work?
How can I sign up for the free trial?
Why do I need to enter my payment details for a free trial?
When is payment deducted for the free trial?
How do I stop payment from being deducted after free trial?
R Pubsure Certificate
What is the R Pubsure Certificate?
Will my R Pubsure certificate be shared anywhere/with anyone?
Can I share my R Pubsure Certificate with my publishers as part of my submission package?
How widely are R Pubsure certificates accepted among journal editors?
All Access Pass
I have a monthly pass but I want to change it to an annual one. How do I do this?
I have an annual pass but I want to change it to a monthly one. How do I do this?
If I don’t like the All Access Pass, will I get my money back?
What is Researcher.Life All Access?
Plagiarism checks
How is my file checked for plagiarism?
If my file is checked for plagiarism on R Pubsure, then when I run it through my university plagiarism tool will it be flagged as plagiarised?
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